Intro Timeline Services Sandbox

Consultant Web Developer

Matt Bailey

UK Based LAMP/LEMP Web Developer with over 20 years of working experience building and integrating web based business applications in a number of sectors including Telecoms, Logistics, EPOS and E-commerce and Remote Utility Monitoring & Measurement.

Current Availability: Limited availability for long and short term remote work projects


t. 07532057447


  • MWD 2018 - Present
    Consultant Web Developer providing a remote freelance developer service to business
  • ICRTouch 2013 - 2018
    Head of Cloud services. Reporting to CTO I was responsible for all Cloud Services provision and development
  • Murja Software 2010 - 2013
    Senior Web Developer on Measure My Energy Platform development and XPS ISP provisioning platform
  • Murphx Innovative Solutions 2009 - 2010
    PHP Application Developer working on Telco and ISP integrations with the XPS provisioning platform
  • 1998 - 2009
    Partner and PHP Developer worked extensively developing in house OpenShop E-Commerce Platform and delivering a variety of client sites

Professional Services

Software Development

A well rounded web orientated developer I have experience in using PHP and Javascript to build complex, business driven, applications supporting the end user experience across multiple platforms in addition to supporting integration between internal and external systems and services

Technical Consulting

Whether your an existing business seeking to move onto a digital platform or a startup with a world beating idea, with over 20 years of experience planning and developing web solutions I can help you to define, plan and implement your vision. From technical specifications & budgeting to developer recruitment and infrastructure sourcing I can help you to make your vision a reality.

In the Sandbox


Bolt Action is a historical tabletop war game produced by Warlord Games that is played with miniature figures.
The Bolt Action Solo Play Opponent is a web app that acts as a limited A.I. Opponent to facilitate Solo play games.The application works buy pseudo randomly selecting a unit and a set of order options for that unit in an army list. The application tracks game turns and which units in the army list have not yet received orders within a turn
Visit B.A.S.P.O for more information and to try the application.